Selfie Competition


The Rules To Enter Are Simple;

Send us a good before and after picture and a sentence or two about your experience using Gofybr & you will automatically be entered to WIN a 1 years supply of Gofybr.


All entries can be submitted to;

If you have already submitted a picture before then don't worry, you can send in new pictures! We never get fed up of seeing amazing Gofybr transformations. 

Just to summarize, we need the following;

  1. A good before & after picture (You can provide more than 2 pictures if you like.)
  2. A few words about your experience.
  3. An Alias for your entry, as the competition is completely anonymous. You can use any name or title you wish (e.g Gofybr Fan, Ceaser123....hairyharry the choice is yours!)

Here's a few examples of what we're looking for;


- Quote; "As an artist it is uncomfortable getting on stage, especially when the lights hit the top of my head. After using Gofybr my hair look much thicker, and my performance is at its best!"


- Quote; "Amazing !!! Absolutely incredible. I was very skeptical about any hair products to help with balding. But this is just incredible,I am only 25 years old and i have a problem that has made me very self conscious till now. I found my life long solution!!! Thank you Gofybr :)"


- Quote; "Life changing experience."


Could you be a WINNER?

We will be accepting selfies up until the 1st of March. The final winner and runners up will be chosen by YOU! Full details of how to vote will be announced closer to the competition deadline!

* Please note all pictures are 100% anonymous & will only be displayed on the Gofybr website and social media pages.

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